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原住民展覽之民眾回應探究──以「布農族文化傳承──布農工藝家Tahai Ispalalavi木雕展」為例
A Study on Visitors' Responses: The Case of “The Bunun Sculptor Tahai Ispalalavi Woodcarving" Exhibition
作者 洪宏姚卿騰
展覽作為溝通的平臺,不惟引起參觀展覽者共同的情緒反應,亦可達到教育與行銷的效用。本研究旨在探討民眾參觀研究者策劃「布農族文化傳承──布農工藝家Tahai Ispalalavi木雕展」(文傳展)的回應,包含對於布農族文化的瞭解和感受,以及對Tahai Ispalalavi的回應。本研究以文傳展為探討個案,以問卷調查法分析民眾參觀文傳展的回應。結果顯示,民眾對文傳展的回應在文化傳承的價值與意義有三點:其一在增進民眾對布農族及其文化的認識;其二在透過再認識布農族過去歷史與文化,凝聚布農族的文化認同,並在這種認同下,跨越族群,提高其他族群對自身文化的資產保護;其三則為促使民眾在面對文化流失的同時,思考臺灣文化延續的未來發展之路。
The exhibition is a means of communication that evokes a common emotional response from visitors. The purpose of this study was first to describe and evaluate the author's planning theories for creating an exhibition titled "The Bunun Sculptor Tahai Ispalalavi Woodcarving" at the National Taitung Living Arts Center in 2018. Second, the study assessed visitors' responses to this exhibition according to their understanding and feelings about the Bunun culture and their views of the Tahai Ispalalavi. This study conducted a questionnaires analysis. The results show that the visitors responded to the exhibition in three ways: The first was that the visitors' understanding and culture of the Bunun was enhanced. Second, by understanding the history and culture of the Bunun ethnic group, the cultural identity of the Bunun ethnic group was condensed, and the ethnic groups protected to safeguard their own culture. Third, the experience allowed the audience to think about the future development of Taiwanese culture while facing its potential loss.
起訖頁 153-181
關鍵詞 文化傳承布農族民眾研究展覽策劃
刊名 清華藝術學報  
期數 202012 (2期)
出版單位 國立清華大學藝術學院  
該期刊-上一篇 日治末期住宅庭園平面規劃之研究──以《臺灣並南方向小住宅懸賞圖面集》為分析對象
該期刊-下一篇 無需對立,可以共生:當代博物館與藝術家的辯證關係──評《澳洲藝術家與當代博物館》




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