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作者 劉孔中 (Kung-Chung Liu)
隨著第四次工業革命的興起,將涌現越來越多的新標準和標準必要專利,這使得標準必要專利公平合理無歧視(fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory, FRAND)許可的問題變得更為複雜。值得探討的是,作為標準的接受者而非制定者的主要亞洲經濟體的FRAND許可標準有無趨於一致或歧異之處?一些跨國經營、從事專利許可的企業集團對中國競爭法主管機關所作的承諾可否延伸至亞洲之外具有約束力?如何消解不同法律標準之間的衝突?基於以下的原因,主張至少在亞洲地區須確立對標準必要專利的FRAND許可的事前監管機制:已經有巨大的市場失靈、標準必要專利相當於壟斷或聯合壟斷、事實標準超越法律標準、私主體的標準制訂組織取代國家職能;並提出專利法和競爭法的改革建議,主張不同法律標準的衝突不應通過一套標準來解決,應經由同理心思考和國家間對各自選擇的相互尊重來解決;最後以破除知識產權法與競爭法交叉領域中一些似是而非的論述作結。
The fourth industrial revolution, including 5G, driverless vehicles, Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), heavily relies on compatibility and interoperability of patent standards. As a result, the fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) licensing of standard essential patents (SEPs) is becoming a pressing issue. As Asian economies are standard takers, it is worth of exploring if and to what extent major Asian economies have adopted convergent or divergent stance on this issue, and whether the commitments made by international conglomerates, which grant global licensing of SEPs, to the Chinese antitrust authorities can be applicable beyond Chinese border. In addition, this paper argues that at least in Asia, ex ante regulation of FRAND licensing of SEPs is justified. And to overcome differences among different legal standards, empathy and respect for choice over paths that best suit respective national needs should be advocated, and that certain reform concerning patent law and competition law is needed. It concludes by disputing some popular misconceptions about the issues in question.
起訖頁 3-16
關鍵詞 標準必要專利公平合理無歧視許可專利法反壟斷事實標準標準制定組織standard essential patents (SEPs)FRANDPatent lawantitrustde facto standardsstandard setting organizations (SSOs)
刊名 作者授權  
期數 202109 (2021:9期)
該期刊-上一篇 亞洲知識產權法──美麗新世界
該期刊-下一篇 頻道商以行政戶數15%做為頻道銷售計價基礎問題的研究




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