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An Initial Study on Taiwan's Doing Business Reform Schemes from the Boundary-Spanning Management Perspective
作者 陳靜芳
全球化競爭下,公共事務日益複雜,形成所謂「難解問題」(wicked problem),單一議題常涉及橫向與縱向之不同行政部門,爰「跨域管理」(boundary-spanning management)之研究及實務運用,成為公共行政重要課題,關鍵邏輯即在於設法更符合行動者之多元需求,以達「善治」。近年來各國無不致力於推升國際評比名次,以鞏固國家聲譽及形象。我國亦自2008年10月採「提粽子理論」以世界銀行《經商環境報告》評比為準繩進行改革,於2009年成立「國際評比改善專案小組」,行政院並公開期許於2016年前擠入前10強。做為一跨域管理之正式機制,國際評比改善專案小組協調整合部際與府際之功能與改革步調,改善臺灣於各國際評比之表現,扮演著提升我國競爭力之大腦與改革工作推動者,其整體運作值得研究者探討。本文以文獻探討及參與觀察法等質性研究方法,自跨域管理觀點,就該小組推動我國經商環境改革之績效、溝通能力、運作機制及理論與實務之協調等面向,進行探索性研究。研究發現我國經商環境改革推動機制近年進行跨域管理之績效尚佳,部際及府際協調與政策行銷能力可持續再行精進,並避免陷入排名迷思,以注重實務運作的精神塑造接軌國際的優質經商環境,進而提升我國國際競爭力。
Confronted by global competition, public affairs become so complicated that wicked problems burst. Usually, one issue is involved in horizontal and vertical different administration and needed to be dealt with jointly. Therefore, the study and practical application of the“Boundary-Spanning Management”become a major topic of the academic study and practice of public administration. To sum up, its key logic is to meet diversified needs of multi actors in order to achieve“Good Governance.”In order to consolidate their reputation and image, most countries in the world pursue a high ranking on the Ease of Doing Business Index of World Bank recently, so does Taiwan, committed to setting up a series of reform schemes. As an initial study on Taiwan's Doing Business reform schemes from the boundary-spanning management perspective, it found that those schemes perform well in recent years. To enhance Taiwan's international competitiveness, further strengthening intergovernmental and interdepartmental communication and coordination, avoiding ranking myths, and improving the real ease of doing business are expected.
起訖頁 57-78
關鍵詞 跨域管理世界銀行經商環境全球經商容易度國際評比競爭力boundary-spanning managementWorld Bank's Doing Business ReportEase of Doing Businessinternational rankingcompetitiveness
刊名 競爭力評論  
期數 201503  (18期)
出版單位 中華國家競爭力研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 公務人員考試兩岸組制度之調查分析:路徑依賴觀點




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