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The Research of Employee Encouragement Policy and Lawful Norms in Public Sector
作者 張瓊玲
The examination of civil service in Taiwan is highly appreciated as its fairness and distinguished way in personnel examination. Due to the lack of intact and continuous lawful norms in performance appraisal, encouragement and promotion systems, civil service are afraid of the negligence or the fair feedback in their performance and hard work by their supervisors. It's rare to see civil servants' service sincerity and innovation. This situation also reflects the lack of morale in some civil service and their corrupt ways. The 39^(th) meeting of 11^(th) annual conference in Examination Yuan has passed a plan for civil service system's modification. The 5^(th) case mentions how to carry on performance management and promote civil service efficiency. This means we still need an integrated encouragement system. After the modification of performance law, it should set up an encouragement system for personnel development and practice multiple awarding for now. Therefore, to set up a fair and an effective encouragement system is necessary for civil service to give good quality service, to encourage individual potential, to promote their carrier development and to let citizens satisfy their service. This also can reach the goal of contribution of civil service to the society in New Public Service. Thus, how to set up a motivating feedback and management for good performance personnel and senior civil service needs more investigation. Besides, to connect the civil servants' natural talent and performance ability with the contemporary theory and conduct in highly developed countries is necessary to lead Taiwan into globalization. Thus, to evaluate the employee encouragement system in our civil service will help to improve the civil servants' natural talent and to promote their service. This study not only explores the related records but also adopts the interpellation research method using focus seminars and deep interviewing as its references. It also evaluates the questions of practice in lawful norms to give good quality service and submit suggestions to encourage morale of civil service in personnel policy and system.
起訖頁 83-110
關鍵詞 公務人員激勵理論人力考評陞遷制度Civil ServiceEncouragement TheoryEmployee Performance AppraisalPromotion System
刊名 競爭力評論  
期數 201303  (16期)
出版單位 中華國家競爭力研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣地方政府永續發展政策調查結果分析




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