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Deep cultivation Taiwan: Reflections on Kuomintang in the restoration of early years (1945-1949)
作者 陳正茂
民國34年8月14日,日本宣佈無條件投降,是年10月25日,國府正式接管臺灣,迄今已超過六十年的歲月。這一甲子中,除其中八年係由民進黨執政外,其餘時間均由國民黨執政。國民黨之所以能在臺灣長期執政,除以「戒嚴」名義實施威權統治外;另一原因也是國民黨於臺灣光復伊始,即在臺灣深耕佈局有關。國民黨的用心耕耘臺灣,最明顯之例,由其臺灣省黨部最早成立可見一斑。其後又以「228」事件為由,掃蕩同為黨內派系的「三青團」。38年敗退來臺後,除以「白色恐怖」繼續肅清左傾份子外,成功的「土地改革」,普遍獲得基層民眾的好感與支持,從而樹立其政權在台灣的合法性,也奠定國民黨長期在臺執政之根基。本文之作,即以民國34 - 38年這四年間,國民黨深耕臺灣的成就與發展經過為敘述重點,焦點尤其著墨在於政黨活動與「三青團」的瓦解始末。
Since 1945, The Restoration of Taiwan up to now, Taiwan under ruling to Kuomintang near sixty years. In this age, Except for 2000-2008 to be Democratic Progressive Party hold power. By other time, The Kuomintang to reign in Taiwan over half century. On the whole, The Kuomintang to a ruling party for a long period of time in Taiwan, During two Chiang era, Taiwan under rule to autocracy. But in Lee Teng-Hui (李登輝) and Ma Ing-Jeou (馬英九) won a presidential election in 2008, About of Kuomintang take rooted the basic level in Taiwan. The Kuomintang foundation worked in Taiwan, We know beginning of Taiwan restoration in the early years. Kuomintang was rapidly established of Taiwan province regional political party organization; and San-Min Chu-I Youth Corps in Taiwan. The San-Min Chu-I Youth Corps collection many Taiwan intellectual elite class, We can see an outline. Unfortunately, In 1947 ''February 28 event'' very San-Min Chu-I Youth Corps member take arrest and dead to Kuomintang, So, Generally speaking, Kuomintang actual strength still very strong in Taiwan. Since 1945 Each various election in Taiwan, Kuomintang always victory about the same as. This article is a research study of from 1945 to 1949 four years, Kuomintang development process in Taiwan. With an emphasis on political party movement and the collapse ins and outs of San-Min Chu-I Youth Corps.
起訖頁 159-171
關鍵詞 國民黨「三青團」228事件
刊名 北臺灣科技學院通識學報  
期數 201006 (6期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 從儒生到儒臣與儒將:曾國藩對儒學價值的體現
該期刊-下一篇 香濃的咖啡為何走味?:1995年底民進黨與新黨大和解的失敗原因




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