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Research on Practical English Vocabulary Ability among Employees
作者 鄒偉基謝承志
為創造並活化英語普及環境,培養臺灣走向世界的英語人才,提升菁英及產業之競爭力,2020年8月國發會及教育部提出之「2030雙語國家政策(2021至2024年)計畫」將擴大推動力道,結合「教、考、訓、用」四個原則,培養各專業領域的雙語人才,透過雙語加值專業,俾使其可進一步發揮所長,作為臺灣與國際接軌的重要橋樑,將我國人才與產業推向國際。有鑑於此,企業端對於擁有實用英語能力的專業人才需求亦是與日俱增。為提升非英語系國家職場人之實用英語能力,一般企業主較建議員工遴選坊間實體或視訊網路之補教業進行團體或一對一之輔導教學或上班族自行購買教材進行自修。此所費不貲之補習方法,其成效多不彰顯。本研究跳脫上述傳統格局,以翻轉教學方式,在眾多國內外研發之實用英文能力檢定測驗中,擇一嶄新專業英文詞彙國際認證(Professional Vocabulary Quotient Credential, PVQC)中之基礎級(Fundamentals)-「生活與行業職場實用詞彙」(Everyday Life and Workplaces, ELW Vocabulary)作為範疇練習之;俾使員工由淺入深,建立專業實用英文的職涯試探之基礎能力。在針對代表性員工進行前測、輔導、後測之成績後,外加接受度問卷調查分析,進而量身訂做出一適合該企業員工程度之有效之實用英輔課程規劃,進行全面性之常態輔導。政府除持續與民間企業攜手合作外,建議增加獎勵補助條款,在利多雙贏政策下,長期推動全球化實用英文之溝通輔導專案。相信假以時日,各行各業均可躍升國際水準;且在此資訊爆炸的時代裡,與全球同步接軌,使台灣之國際競爭力更上一層樓。
In order to create an English-speaking environment, cultivate Taiwan's English elites to face the world, and enhance the competitiveness of our people and industries, in August 2020, the“2030 Bilingual National Policy (from 2021 to 2024) Plan”proposed by National Development Council and Ministry of Education has Expanded the driving force and combined the four principles of teaching, testing, training, and application to educate bilingual talents in various fields. Through these value-added professionals, we can develop their outstanding abilities and serve as an important bridge between Taiwan and the world, furthermore; promote our elites and industries internationally. A report named“2020 Job Changing Survey”posted on Taiwanjobs website, Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor on December 30, 2019 pointed out that almost 50% of the labor force has the tendency to change jobs at the beginning of Year 2020. Two major concerns that worry the workforce groups are underpaid salary and unprofessional performance .While employees with fluent and practical English communication skills can surely carry out the professionalism globally. As a non-English speaking country, business owners usually suggest employees signing up with English cram schools online or in person to improve their English communication skills. Normally, these tutoring fees are costly and the turnouts aren't that effective. With a flipped and innovative teaching method to improve English, we adopted a cutting-edge practical English ability tests in related to workplace and daily life activities designed by a famous US language center named GLAD (Global Learning and Assessment Development). This test is called PVQC (Professional Vocabulary Quotient Credential) Fundamentals level in the field of Everyday Life and Workplaces (ELW) with international certificates provided. After performing the before-after tests, it showed that this kind of training surely enhanced the effectiveness of English ability among professionals. Strongly suggest our Government subsidizing incentive funds to private sector's English tutoring projects. In the course of time, professional elites with fluent practical English comprehension skills can positively uplift Taiwan globalized enterprises to the next level~ become top notches in the world.
起訖頁 269-293
關鍵詞 國發會教育部行政院勞動部勞動力發展署「台灣就業通」網站2030雙語國家政策計畫全球學習與測評發展中心專業英文詞彙國際認證生活與行業職場實用詞彙發音能聽懂能拼寫能唸National Development CouncilMinistry of EducationExecutive YuanEngineering Industry Globalization PlatformWorkforce Development AgencyMinistry of LaborTaiwanjobs websiteBlueprint for Developing Taiwan into a Bilingual Nation by 2030Global Learning and Assessment Development (GLAD)Professional Vocabulary Quotient Credential (PVQC)Everyday Life and Workplaces (ELW) Vocabularyreading, listening, spelling and speaking (RLSS)
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 202103  (10期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 試論正體字與大陸繁體規範字之間的差異
該期刊-下一篇 Kahoot於英語教學之實踐探究




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