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Misunderstood or Misplaced? An Analysis of the Issues Related to the English and Chinese Translations of“The Religion of the Samurai: A Study of Zen Philosophy and Discipline in China and Japan”
作者 江燦騰
本文是討論忽滑谷快天(1868-1930),在1913年於英國倫敦,出版英文禪宗哲學第一本著作《The Religion Of The Samurai: A Study Of Zen Philosophy And Disciplinc In China And Japan(《武士的宗教:中日禪宗哲學及其學科探討》之後,所以遭到西方讀者冷落與批評的歷史背景,以及其何以長期未被研究者重視的原因。本文使用2018年才在台灣出版的首次中譯本,作為全文的討論依據,並參考大量明治維新時代(1867-1915)出版的各類相關書籍,將中譯本中所涉及的,在其時代思潮的進化論主流趨勢,所影響下的新批判禪宗哲學形成史,加以回溯與重構,以便澄清其書詮釋體系的實際思想內涵。此外,本文不但還原其書中的多數註解當中,所缺乏的完整出版資料,也特別提出其書的出現,是與日俄戰爭勝利後的日本國家意識高漲有關。所以,其書不是純粹的禪宗哲學著作,而是日本國家主義的精神對外表現,並將其與當時居世界優勢的西方文化,進行文化與國家意識的相抗衡。
This article is a discussion of the Kai ten Nukariya (1868-1930), published in 1913 in London, England, after the Publication of the first book on English Zen philosophy ''The Religion of the Samurai: A Study of Zen Philosophy and Discipline in China and Japan'' The historical background of the cold and criticism of Western readers and why they have not been valued by researchers for a long time. This article uses the first Chinese translation published in Taiwan in 2018, as the basis for the discussion of the full text, and refers to a large number of related books published in the Meiji Restoration Era (1867-1915), which will be involved in the Chinese translation. The mainstream trend of evolution, the history of the new critical Zen philosophy under the influence, retrospective and reconstruction, in order to clarify the actual ideological connotation of the book interpretation system. In addition, this article does not describe the majority of the notes in the book, but the lack of complete published materials, especially the emergence of its book, is related to the rise of Japanese national consciousness after the victory of the Japanese-Russian War. Therefore, the book is not a pure Zen philosophical work, but the external manifestation of the spirit of Japanese nationalism, and it competes with the Western culture that was dominant in the world at the time, and cultural and national consciousness.
起訖頁 51-84
關鍵詞 武士的宗教禪宗哲學明治思潮批判禪學日俄戰爭psychophysical actingimage theatrePhillip ZarrilliKonstantin Sergeyevich StanislavskiAlbert Camus's The misunderstanding
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 202103  (10期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 身心合一表演方法於意象劇場運用之初探
該期刊-下一篇 印順法師與妙雲蘭若




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