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On the Personality Traits of Queen Esther
作者 李天頌
In Today’s society, everyone longs for a stable, prosperous life and eternal happiness. However, the comfortable present life is not necessarily a guarantee for eternal happiness. Multibillionaires could go broke overnight and become impecunious beggars. Beautiful women and handsome men might eventually be conquered by time. Interpersonal relationships may also be ruptured at any time by conflicts of interest. This is the so-called no permanent friends or enemies. People tend to build their sense of security on finance, social status, authority, or reputation; rarely can one really fathom that all of these are just like the morning dews, and when the sun rises, they will evaporate. Furthermore, impermanence is ubiquitous and death is inevitable for everyone. Therefore, real peace can only be found in eternal truth. Only when we build our sense of security on the unchangeable truth since time immemorial, can we have confidence facing life's challenges. God gives people different capabilities and assigns them different tasks accordingly. He does not want people to live just for themselves. Quite on the contrary, He even wants us to give up prosperous and comfortable life and help the less fortunate people. This research paper is going to depict a marvelous story of a Jewish slave orphan girl named Esther, living in the Empire of Persia. She risked her life and the possibility of losing the comfort of being a queen, saving the Jewish people from the danger of genocide. Furthermore, the paper attempts to deal with the personality traits of Esther: consideration, adoration, reticence, filial piety, fearlessness, and quick-wittedness. Because of Esther's decisive actions, the whole people of Israel were free from massacre. She could seize the opportunity given by God and benefited the entire nation. She knew that her birth was not a coincidence, but a sacred mission assigned. The name of God is not mentioned in the book of Esther; however, the fingerprints of God are seen everywhere, especially His omnipotence and protection. He protected His people living in the Persian Empire as slaves. In the same way, He is protecting his people no matter what obstacles they are encountering.
起訖頁 69-86
關鍵詞 深思熟慮好人緣守口如瓶孝順不畏懼死亡機智人格特質considerationadorationreticencefilial pietyfearlessnessquick-wittednesspersonality traits
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201604  (5期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 從史籍、小說到民間信仰與傳說探究趙雲形象之遞嬗
該期刊-下一篇 同神異貌的宗教人類學考察:港台天后信仰比較初探




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