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Research on the Cultural Significance of Judging the Characters' Personality from the Romance of Three Kingdoms
作者 高齡芬
This research indicates the cultural significance of judging the personality of the characters from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and explains the core values of moral behavior. In this book, I first quoted from the Book of Eastern Han and The History of the Three Kingdoms, as they relate to judging the characters' personalities, in order to explain historical methodologies used to judge the characters' personalities from the end of Han to the Three Kingdoms period. Second, I introduced three important episodes, which may be used to judge the characters' personalities: 1. Shu Ching recommended Wo Lung. 2. Tsao Tsao judged all the heroes, while he was drinking wine with Liu Bei. 3. Chao Yun judged all the heroes. The criticism of the heroes by Shu Ching followed the tradition of commending capable persons for the court in the Eastern Han period; however, Tsao Tsao and Chao Yun emphasized the characters' personalities from the local leaders. While Tsao Tsao judged the heroes, he mentioned the two Yuans and two Lius: If the person had no talent, then he could not be listed as hero. The concept was based solely on talent. While Chao Yun judged the heroes, he criticized Yuan Shao and Kungsun Tsan, as they were not loyal to their leaders and had no compassion to save the people. Therefore, Chao based his standard solely on virtues. There was depth in the description of how Chao Yun judged the heroes. He stated that during the hardships and the fighting in the Three Kingdoms period, the upright and merciful persons still upheld the universal values of morality and compassion. In researching the judgment of characters’personalities from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, we can identify important cultural significance. Translated by Hsuan Chung-wen, PhD
起訖頁 71-85
關鍵詞 人物品鑑司馬徽曹操趙雲英雄普世價值Judgment of charactersShihma WeiTsao TsaoChao Yunherouniversal values
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201404  (3期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 道家的生態思想析論
該期刊-下一篇 軍人與佛教(1912-1937)




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