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Shi-zhen's Nostalgia and the Wujiang School’s Collective Memory
作者 許懷之
Regarding the middle era of the Ming Dynasty, the most important opera were Tang Xianzu and Shen Ching. Shen Ching changed the“Peony Pavilion”rhythm to Tung Meng Chi (the story of the same dream), which created an important debate in the opera forum late Ming theater world, which was called the“Tang-Shen dispute.”The perspectives of these two were completely different. Shen Ching wanted to find a way to cure his career failure in opera writing; however, at that time, it was a transitional era between conservative and innovative of Ming writing about legends. He chose to remember the beauty of the past and follow the“old Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty norms.”He even aggressively edited and re-writing the South Jiu Gong Tu scores.”This followed Ho Liang-chuing's original nature with innovations, in order to create a standard tradition to fit his own mind. These series of actions returning to the traditional was a way to find his own dignity and nostalgic feelings; however, Tang Xianzu also followed the classical style, since he thought traditional music was produced to follow the times.“The rule of the melody shoul dbe based on nature, not artificial.”Tang absolutely disagreed with Shen Ching’s theory; therefore, we know that the method of remembering the ancient times by these two people comes from very different experience. Therefore, the debate between the t a“Wujiang School”and“Linchuan School”began. Shen Ching was considered the“leader of the melody”by the scholars of the Wujiang School in the late Ming Dynasty. Shen Ching advocated the theory of music, as follows:“strictly follow the melody,”“promote nature,”and“advocate music on the stage.”His music theories became the common cultural background of the Wujiang scholars. Through their common experience, the Wujiang scholars worked together to promote this music theory. Therefore, promoting Kun opera melody is as much the achievement of“Wujiang scholars”as Shen Ching.
起訖頁 31-53
關鍵詞 沈璟吳江派懷舊復古集體記憶Shen ChingWujiang SchoolNostalgiaRetrocollective memory
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201404  (3期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 漢字書寫基礎課程──「字」的完成及其應用
該期刊-下一篇 道家的生態思想析論




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