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The Study on the Intention and Satisfaction of Using Food Delivery Platform During Covid-19 period
作者 邱紹群李昶德
The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that affect the satisfaction and intention to continue using the food delivery platform of Taiwanese consumers during the COVID-19 epidemic. The research framework covers UTAUT, ECM and TTF models, which consist of nine variables including intention to continuous usage, current frequency, platform satisfaction, performance expectation, benefit confirmation, effort expectance, social influence, platform trust, and task technology fit. 190 users conducted a quantitative survey and research. The result shows measurement model has good structural reliability and sufficient convergence and discriminative validity, and the structural model also has high explanatory power. This means that the willingness of Taiwanese users to continue using FDP during the COVID-19 epidemic not only depends to a large extent on platform satisfaction, but also by platform trust and current usage behavior. When the characteristics of technology (contactless transaction) are conducive to a specific situation (the COVID-19 epidemic), task technology fit plays a vital role in shaping consumers' perception of technological psychological expectation (performance expectation).
起訖頁 127-140
關鍵詞 餐飲外送新冠肺炎任務科技配適整合科技接受模型期望確認模型Food DeliveryCOVID-19TTFUTAUTECM
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202109 (10:2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 金融危機後企業社會責任與企業信用評等在的角色轉變
該期刊-下一篇 理財教育、金融核心素養及學習成效間關聯之研究──以我是大股東桌遊為例




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