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A Study on the Impact of Family Care for the Intellectual Disabilities by Long-term Care Resources
作者 林嘉鈴 (Chia-Ling Lin)陳欣蘭
The most critical milestone for everyone in all stages of growth is to find a suitable person to form a family together. After forming a family, the most expectative thing is to wait for the birth of a new life, but God always challenges someone. Once finding out the baby is defective during pregnancy, through the rise of life consciousness, parents are not afraid of hard work for this precious life and will insist on giving birth to their children, but the reality is cruel. After the child is born, a lot of care needs to be overcome and brings about massive pressure. The influence of long-term care resources on the care of the family members of the mentally handicapped at home. The family members of two 60-year-old women and one 68-year-old woman were selected as the subjects by purposive sampling method, and semi-structured interviews were conducted. After collating and analyzing the verbatim manuscripts, the results of the research were as follows: (1) The interviewee is the main caregiver in the family. Although tired and helpless, they still accept mentally handicapped children wholeheartedly. (2) Respondents face diversified pressures in caring for children with mental disabilities. The biggest dilemma is that they worry that no one will take care of their children in the future. (3) Respondents’ knowledge of long-term photo resources comes from the notification of relevant personnel, and the use of resources is mostly for accompany and meal delivery. (4) Before and after using the long-term photo resource service, the interviewees found that apart from the respite service, there was little change in the impact on care, and they sometimes found it very inconvenient.
起訖頁 82-91
關鍵詞 照顧壓力智能障礙者長照資源caretaking pressurethe intellectual disabilitylong-term resource
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202109 (10:2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 以海事訴訟爭點研析岸置港口貨櫃貨物損害公證勘驗之研究
該期刊-下一篇 運用意見探勘於企業聲譽分析之研究──以企業社會責任為主題




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