英文摘要 |
The purpose of this research is to develop tests to assess the purity, quality and durability of lime used in the restoration of historic sites in Taiwan. In order to avoid shortcomings in previous practices, the purity of the lime used for the restoration of historic sites should be tested before construction, so that the restoration lime can have sufficient quality assurance. Testing methods for lime purity(CaO content) developed by this research institute include exothermic the temperature measurement method and a volume expansion method. The exothermic temperature method is based on the heat released when the CaO in lime reacts with water to produce Ca(OH)2. The proportion of CaO contained in the sample is estimated based on the amount of heat released when adding water to the lime sample to be tested. Secondly, the volume expansion method is based on the fact that when CaO reacts with water to produce Ca(OH)2, there is an expansion in volume. This aims to estimate this volume expansion. Measure the proportion of CaO content in lime samples. The test results are mainly as follows: The purity of commercially available, reagent-grade CaO and MgO is not as indicated on the label. Due to factors such as manufacturing time and storage environment hydration and carbonation reactions may occur, and the purity of the product may gradually decrease. The eigenvalues of CaO are roughly linearly proportional to purity, and the correlation coefficients are all above 0.95, which is a highly positive correlation. Using the maximum temperature change, and maximum expansion rate, to estimate the purity of the CaO, the overall error is relatively low. However, using the area under the temperature change vs. elapsed time curve, and the slope of the expansion rate vs. elapsed time curve to estimate the purity of CaO, the overall error is relatively high, possibly because of the complicated calculations of area and slope. Using a purity calibration curve for the maximum temperature change X = 1.425 × Tc - 0.332 and the purity calibration curve of the maximum expansion rate X = 0.821 × Sc + 7.676, the CaO content in the restoration lime can be quickly estimated as a test for its purity compared to a lime reference. |