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An Observational Study on Preservation and Transmission of Mouthblown Flute and Nose Flute of the Paiwan Tribal Group
作者 曾麗芬
口、鼻笛吹奏文化反映排灣族階級制度、生活形態、音樂特色及工藝美術,係排灣族音樂傳統中最具代表性之樂器文化。2005年《文化資產保存法》修法前,行政院文化建設委員會「國立傳統藝術中心」透過「民間藝術保存傳習計畫」(1995~2003)之執行,為該項瀕臨失傳的傳統藝術留下珍貴歷史紀錄與人才資料庫,「文化資產總管理處籌備處」成立後,以積極輔導法定登錄、指定作業,賡續傳藝工作之推展。 此一深具族群文化特色之傳統藝術,於2011年經文建會指定為「重要傳統藝術」,並展開四年一期的傳承計畫。為此,本文嘗試分析公部門推動排灣族口、鼻笛技藝保存之行政作為、記述部落傳習概況及近年來口、鼻笛吹奏文化的適應發展,藉以提供後續保存維護措施與傳習之參考。
The cultural legacy of mouth-blown flute and nose flute performances, which is the most representational musical instrument culture in Paiwanese music tradition, which reflects the feudal system, lifestyles, musical characteristics and craftsmanship of the Paiwan Tribal Group. Before Amendments to the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act were enacted in 2005, the National Center for Traditional Arts had contrived to preserve precious historic documents and create a human resource database through implementing“the plan for the preservation and transmission of folk arts (1995- 2003)”for this traditional art was on the verge of distinction. Whilst the Headquarters Administration of Cultural Heritage (HACH) was established, the authority has endeavored to support legal registration tasks and has continued to promote traditional arts.  Over the past two decades the inheritance crisis of Paiwanese mouth-blown flute and nose flute culture has achieved some improvement under the combined influence of governmental action to preserve traditional music and the widespread awareness of aboriginal self-identity. This traditional art of the Paiwan Tribal Group, full of ethnical and cultural features and designated as a“significant traditional art”by the Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA), will be conserved and revitalized within HACH’S four-year phase of the project. By analyzing the official administration’s promotion of Paiwanese flute crafts, tribal endeavors in cultivation and prevalence of cultural heritage, as well as the adaptability and development of flute-performing culture, this article aims to provide reference material for follow-up measures on preservation/conservation management and cultural transmission.
起訖頁 81-104
關鍵詞 排灣族口笛鼻笛Paiwan Tribal GroupMouth-blown FluteNose Flute
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201209 (21期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 世界遺產安地瓜璜娜女修道院保存維護計畫中牆體修護之探討
該期刊-下一篇 以冷凍處理進行紙質文物害蟲灰衣魚之防治




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