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Lessons from World Heritage Sites for the Development Strategy of Taiwan’s Industrial Heritage
作者 林曉薇
2002年行政院文化建設委員會(2012年改制為文化部)開始籌組「產業文化資產調查小組」,針對公營事業的文化資產保存,運用政府機制針對轉型中的公營事業實施有計畫的清查及保存。影響所及,後續進行多項「產業文化資產再生計畫」,2010年所列的「臺灣世界遺產潛力點」也有多處屬產業文化資產範疇。由此可見,呈現人類文明發展下重要技術的產業文化資產及相關地景,正成為臺灣日益重要的文化資產保存重點,也是世界遺產名單的新秀。 本文將以3個世界遺產中屬於產業文化資產的案例-英國紐藍那克工業村(New Lanark Industrial Village)、鐵橋谷博物館(Ironbridge George Museums)、康瓦耳及西得文礦業地景(Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape),以及1個申請中的案例-德國礦山礦業地景伊資克伯格山區(Mining Landscape Ore Mountains-Erzgebirge)來說明,產業文化資產申請登錄世界遺產的趨勢與作法,並思考臺灣產業文化資產保存執行與發展系統化執行策略的可能性。
The conservation of industrial heritage in Taiwan emerged in the 1990s and has officially made serial survey project for a wide range of former state-owned industries (2002-2009). In November, 2002, the Executive Yuan (Cabinet) started a cross-ministry council for the survey and preservation fort these state-owned industrial properties. Since 2006, the M.O.C. (before called C.C.A.) has initiated serial reuse projects of industrial sites which are planned and managed with new cultural and tourism functions. The value of industrial heritage is getting more widely recognized and accepted in the society through the support from M.O.C. and local enthusiastic communities. Therefore, this paper aims to open a discussion with three examples of world heritage sites in UK(New Lanark Industrial Village, Ironbridge George Museums, Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape) and one potential World Heritage Site in Germany(Mining Landscape Ore Mountains-Erzgebirge) to understand the method and strategy for conservation of industrial heritage and set a goal to meet the international standard for the nomination of World Heritage might be a possibility for the long term development strategy of Taiwan’s industrial heritage.
起訖頁 23-38
關鍵詞 產業文化資產世界遺產保存策略Industrial HeritageWorld HeritageConservation Strategy
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201209 (21期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 從世界遺產看臺灣文化資產永續發展的經驗與因應策略
該期刊-下一篇 日治時代臺北工場建築遺構的真實性探討




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