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On the Rescue of Private Assets Having Cultural Heritage Values and Their Following Designation Dispute Settlements: A Case Study on LeeChi the Clan Liu’s Public House
作者 蔡繼光
Which is more important, the preservation of cultural heritage, or the strategic national or local development project? Can the relationship between the two be a competing zerosum one, or cooperative and mutual complementary? Not so long ago, there was the raging Losheng Sanatorium Preservation Dispute which agonized and inflicted severe damages upon both the Losheng Sanatorium and the Taipei City’s Massive Rapid Transit Project, the former the depletion of cultural heritage values; the latter, the massive financial losses and the delayed convenience delivery. And now here comes the new dispute on the preservation of Leechi the Clan Liu’s Public House which has the promising possibilities to be trapped in a Catch-22 dilemma, as the Losheng Preservation Dispute did. The local competent government authority dealt with the dispute recklessly under the pressure of campaign promises and grand achievements for rallying voters’support: to begin with, they did not have a thorough and well-checked list of cultural assets having heritage values to be worked upon, thus, missed the advantage of nipping the preservation problems in the bud. While trapping in the preservation dilemma, they are forced to follow orders from superiors who are indifferent or ignorant to the preservation of cultural heritage. The result: the destruction or depletion of values of cultural heritage. To avoid the reemergence of that kind of tragic result, it is a good policy for the government to be more energetic on cultivating and promoting the knowledge of cultural heritage values and the sense of duty to protecting them to the general public.
起訖頁 23-34
關鍵詞 文化資產保存暫定古蹟古蹟指定Preservation of Cultural HeritageTemporary MonumentMonument Designation
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201203 (19期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 古蹟及歷史建築於建管及消防因應計畫之審理方式探討
該期刊-下一篇 談天水古民居——哈銳故居保存現狀及保護對策




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