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Exploring the Inspecting Process on Contingency Plan for Building Management and Fire Safety of Monuments and Historic Buildings
作者 林炳耀施邦築
In general, in order to fulfill the stipulations of the Building Act, a building needs to obtain a building permit and a usage permit prior to any new construction, extension, reconstruction, or repairs. However, historical buildings and monuments are often required to keep their original style and features; it is therefore not possible to conform to all the current regulations regarding building and fire codes. This paper discusses the general conditions which do not comply with the rules, explains working procedures on current related laws, and proposes key points and principles for scrutiny of the contingency plan. Some crucial subjects are also discussed in this paper. For example, the meanings of re-recognition of the present building and fire codes on historical buildings and monuments, the importance of establishing a disaster risk assessment, contingency measures in accordance with the re-usage intensity, suggestions to the jurisdiction and responsibility amongst the relevant cultural, construction and fire safety authorities. Some key items that users or supervisors should pay more attention to in the maintenance and management phase are also proposed. Since the fire contingency plan for historical buildings and monuments does not have a common writing format, nor a definite inspection mechanism, this paper proposes a two-stage inspection process and its associated checklist. These might be able to provide the contributors of contingency plans and the authorities of historical buildings and monuments with a valuable reference.
起訖頁 5-22
關鍵詞 古蹟及歷史建築建築管理消防安全因應計畫審議程序Monuments and Historic BuildingsBuilding ManagementFire SafetyContingency PlanInspecting Process
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201203 (19期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-下一篇 論文化資產的搶救與審查爭議——以利記公厝為例




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