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Legal Analysis of Taiwan’s Application for UNESCO World Heritage List for Cultural Heritage Preservation—A Case Study of the Kinmen Area
作者 朱敏賢陳昱嵐
The research for this study was conducted in two parts. The first part investigates the extent of implementation of the Convention concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage in Taiwan. The second part focuses on Kinmen—one of Taiwan’s potential sites qualified to be included on the World Heritage List. During preparation of the application some suggestions are provided on how to construct and improve relevant legal systems. Unfortunately, to date few relevant legal policies and laws applicable to the World Heritage application are made appropriately. Also, based on the realistic status that Taiwan is not a party to the UN, certain supranational legal issues must be raised and this means getting involved with efforts to try to turn those related legal policies into an obligatorily domestic law. Moreover, under the choices of the legislative models, this work will also involve the current operation of legislative techniques, and the effectiveness evaluation. Lastly, this paper provides some suggestions on how to legislate those detailed supporting measures. For the latter, many domestic and foreign scholars are optimistic about the possibility that Kinmen may be the best potential site in Taiwan for nomination for World Heritage status. For this reason, Kinmen was taken as the research objective of this study. Consequently, this study focuses on features in Kinmen’s distinctive cultural assets and the legal system to examine all kinds of legal issues at different levels, and further provide informed suggestions.
起訖頁 17-26
關鍵詞 世界遺產匠師歷史建築修復標準World Heritage ListCraftsmanHistoric BuildingsRestoration Guideline
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201112 (18期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 德國世界遺產計畫礦山礦業地景的管理政策及組織運作
該期刊-下一篇 阿里郎的堅持與躍升——韓國文化遺產傳承策略探討




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