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Exploring the Reviewing Procedures for Historical Buildings’Restoration or Re-use Engineering
作者 林滿圓
To finish a historical building’s restoration or re-use“on schedule and according to the demanded quality”is the common goal of the historic building’s owner and the responsible governing authority. In accordance with the provisions of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act any restoration or re-use plan and design of a historic building must be sent to the responsible authority for review to ensure that the restoration or re-use work’s quality is guaranteed. Because of the complexity and special nature of restoration work on historic buildings, it is best that the task be done in a reasonable period. Unfortunately, owing to the demand for achieving official annual budget targets, the demand for quality is usually sacrificed to expediency. It is useful to establish an earmarked ''Preservation Fund for Historical Buildings'' and to strengthen the professional capability of the competent authority. This would ensure that there were enough qualified professionals to do the first-level reviews, thus shortening the reviewing process yet still keeping good quality control.
起訖頁 81-88
關鍵詞 古蹟歷史建築修復或再利用審查作業MonumentsHistoric BuildingsRstoration or ReuseReviewing Procedures
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201106 (16期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 西安博物院北周佛頭的修復與保護研究




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