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Restoration and Protection of a Buddhist Sculpture from the Northern Zhou Dynasty in Xi’an Museum
作者 趙崗黃四平王蕙貞
An investigation was conducted on a stone Buddhist head sculpture from the Northern Zhou Dynasty which is currently stored in Xi’an museum. From this evaluation a comprehensive understanding of the condition of the object was obtained, including problems arising from soil encrustation with hard sediments that covered on the surface of Buddhist head and efflorescence caused by salt movement. Using XRD, SEM, the composition of the problem sediments, which were a calcareous clay containing iron oxide, and salts were analyzed. Based on a summary of the sculpture’s materials and the principles of stone conservation methods a practical and targeted restoration program was developed. The approach was as follows: documentation→removal of oxide encrustation→wet cleaning using sodium hexametaphosphate poultices→desalination by paper poultices wetted with RO water and monitored by conductivity meter→using polymethylmethacrylate to consolidate and protect the surface. Through repeated practice, strict standards and careful execution, we have restored a group of Buddhist head sculptures, and finally achieved satisfactory results for conservation and exhibition.
起訖頁 75-80
關鍵詞 北周佛頭土鏽去除貼敷法脫鹽加固與封護Buddhist SculptureNorthern Zhou DynastyCalcareous ClayDesalination Paper PoulticeConsolidation
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201106 (16期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 神轎的形式意義與製作產業發展歷程
該期刊-下一篇 歷史性建築修復或再利用工程審查作業之探討




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