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The Gaps of Cultural Landscape in The World Heritage List and the Possible Ways to Fill Them
作者 蔡繼光
The World Heritage List was established by the World Heritage Convention of 1972, so as entire signatory States Parties can nominate cultural and natural heritage of“outstanding universal value”, thus, achieving the goal of heritage diversity in the world and passing down those mankind’s common heritages with outstanding universal values to future generations. It is obvious that the List means to be transcending the boundaries of the nation, the people, the race and the religion. It is a dream comes true for those take the harmony and peace of the world to their hearts. Cultural landscape was a latecomer in the family of The List, hoping to illustrate the fruits that were born because of the nature and the man’s mutual efforts. Owing to the not-so-well-represented categorization, natural disasters and human wrongdoings (the regional political and economic turmoil, the national war and domestic civil confl ict), there are obvious gaps in the landscape’s regional distributions. How to deal with these specifi c problems is a global test.
起訖頁 83-88
關鍵詞 世界遺產文化景觀分布落差分類傑出普世價值World HeritageCultural LandscapeGapCategorizationOutstanding Universal Values
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201006 (12期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 工業遺產保存再利用探討──以花蓮創意文化園區為例
該期刊-下一篇 討論專欄:從斗六真一寺談古蹟的認定程序




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