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A study on the Relationships among the Teacher Positive leadership and Student Academic Optimism in Elementary Schools: Student Gratitude as a Mediator
作者 鍾沛涵丁學勤 陳柏青
Using the questionnaire survey method and employing proportionate stratified sampling methods, this study aims to investigate the interrelationship among elementary school teachers’ positive leadership, student gratitude, and student academic optimism. The survey participants are elementary school sixth-graders in Pingtung County. The study issued a total of 560 questionnaires and received 521 back, for a return rate of 94.82%. The data were analyzed by structural equation modeling. The result shows: 1. the model’s of teachers’ positive leadership, student gratitude, and student academic optimism goodness of fit index is acceptable. 2. Teachers’ positive leadership has a significant positive direct effect on student gratitude and student academic optimism. 3. Student gratitude has a significant positive direct effect on student academic optimism. 4. Teachers’ positive leadership also has a significant positive indirect effect on students’ learning performance, via student gratitude as a mediator. Therefore, this study suggests the following: 1. Establish a positive relationship to enhance teachers’ positive leadership. 2. In order to increase student academic optimism, teachers should put their positive leadership into practice in classroom management, especially through increasing student gratitude.
起訖頁 1-41
關鍵詞 positive leadershipstudent academic optimismgratitudemediator
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 202011 (44期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣學生使用自我調整學習策略之現況分析:以雲林縣某國中為例




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