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A Study on the Relationship between Adolescent Angry Expression, Sense of Humor and Happiness
作者 劉麗芳陳志賢
The aim of this study is to understand the sense of happiness, the sense of humor, and the anger emotion expression of junior high school teenagers. Then, the association between different background variables and the sense of happiness, sense of humor, and anger emotion expression was analyzed. Finally, the relationship between the sense of happiness, the sense of humor, and the anger emotion expression was discussed. The questionnaire was the research tool in this study. The samples of the research population of this study were students from the 7th to 9th grades of National Primary School in the 107th academic year in Tainan and Kaohsiung. According to the ratio by stratified cluster sampling, a total of 161 students were from the Tainan area, and 229 students from the Kaohsiung area. After weeding out those which were not complete. 362 valid samples of data were returned. Valid return rate was 92.82%. The results were concluded as follows: First, the performance of overall happiness and the expression of overall positive and negative anger emotions of junior high school teenagers was moderate. However, the overall sense of humor was good. Second, the tendency to laugh, decisive affirmation, catharsis transfer and seeking support of Junior high school female students was higher than male students. Most male students had higher angrt emotion expression than female students. Third, for the anger emotions expression, the decisiveness of junior high school teenagers was definitely positive. The self-escape, negative anger emotion, was higher than other facets, and social humor was less then other humorous facets. Fourth, there was a significant positive correlation between decisive affirmation, catharsis transfer, and seeking support of junior high school teenagers for three positive anger emotion expressions, the sense of humor, and happiness. Fifth, the sense of humor, and anger emotion expression of each facet can be effectively used to predict happiness, and the most predictive was the sense of humor.
起訖頁 49-78
關鍵詞 生氣情緒表達青少年幸福感幽默感Anger Emotional ExpressionHappinessHumorJunior high school teenagers
刊名 人文社會科學研究:教育類  
期數 202103 (15:1期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學人文暨社會科學院
該期刊-上一篇 課堂冒險:探索教育活動實施對大學生團隊凝聚力與生活效能影響之研究
該期刊-下一篇 課程教學與教材出版:從「歐洲概論」到《歐洲概論》之教學實踐




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