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文化資產保存學刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Application of Infrared Thermography Imaging in the Preservation of Polychrome Wood—A Case Study of the Wall Panel by Chu Si-Kan and Objects From Sha-Kan Kuang-Shen Dien Temple, Penghu, Taiwan
作者 李昱 (Yue Christine Lee)
澎湖群島(Pescadores Islands)位於臺灣海峽,由90座大小不等之島嶼所組成。澎湖本島平均最高溫為7–8月約32°C,平均最低溫為1–2月約15°C,相對濕度整年介於80–86%之間。「朱錫甘書繪壁板」位於澎湖縣湖西鄉沙港村內一處民宅古厝(陳家祖厝)裡,為澎湖天后宮裝飾藝術師傅朱錫甘(東山人)所繪製的彩繪與書法雙面作品,因繪壁板在臺灣具有歷史性、文化性與區域性的具體價值,因此在2015年8月澎湖縣政府文化局將之登錄為一般古物。本研究分享2個藉由紅外線熱像儀之應用幫助木質彩繪文物的預防性維護(preventive conservation)。首先是「私人一般古物澎湖朱錫甘書畫繪壁板修復計畫」,因原所在地環境建築結構受損嚴重,進而影響繪壁板的保存,希望透過紅外線熱像儀的實驗,一方面來進行繪壁板畫所處的環境評估,找出原保存環境可能危害古物的源點。另一方面,也因為該環境不利文物的保存,決議將繪壁板遷移出原址,故,也希望利用此技術尋找繪壁板於私人暫存空間中適合的位置,待原建築物整修結束後再遷回原處。另一案例為「沙港廣聖殿文物典藏館文物整飭」典藏文物及寄存文物(總計280案),其中包含了私有古物「朱錫甘雕人物大楣」進行整飭作業。藉由此技術,評估展藏環境條件後可以進行的改善方法。
The Penghu or Pescadores Islands are an archipelago of 90 islands and islets in the Taiwan Strait. The average temperature in July and August is around 32°C; the average temperature in January and February is around 15°C. The yearly relative humidity is between 80–86%. The“Wall Panel of Chu Si-Kan”is located in an historic house belonging to the Chen Family in Shagang Village, Huxi Township, Penghu County. The wall panels have specific historical, cultural and regional values in Taiwan, and as such were registered as recognised antiquities by the Cultural Bureau of the Penghu County Government in August 2015. As the decorative artist of Penghu’s Tianhou Temple, Chu Si-Kan was responsible for numerous art works in both painting and calligraphy. This study focuses on the preventive conservation of artifacts. Due to the severely damaged original wooden architecture, conservation of wooden painted panel was extremely challenging. As a result, infrared thermography imaging was used for the evaluation of condition and to identify environmental sources of deterioration which might further damage the panel. Because the original environment was considered detrimental to the conservation of the painted panel, it has been moved to a temporary facility while the original structure in under renovation. The panel will be returned to their original location once the architectural restoration is completed.
起訖頁 84-96
關鍵詞 紅外線熱像儀木質彩繪保存預防性維護Infrared Thermography ImagingPolychrome Wood PreservationPreventive Conservation
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 202012 (54期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 臺南市德化堂典藏雕版印刷文物的整理
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣古物分級制度發展之反思──從《文化資產保存法》談古物分級的進展




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