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文化資產保存學刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The History and Heritage Values of Steam Locomotive BK24
作者 蔡侑樺 (Yu-Hua Tsai)
The steam locomotive BK24 was formerly one of the teaching aids used by the Department of Transportation and Communication Management of National Cheng Kung University. It was introduced to Taiwan in 1905, manufactured by the Kisha Seizo Kwaisha, Osaka, is the third oldest locomotive in existence in Taiwan. BK24 is the only remaining locomotive of the Class BK10 design (also known as Class B33 and Class18 before the World War II) which were the first batch of locomotives purchased after the establishment of the Ministry of Railways of the Governor’s Office in Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as the TRA) in 1899. However, this study argues that more evidence should be needed to authenticate the history of BK24. Moreover, if as previous studies described, the class BK10 was the first batch of locomotives purchased in the 1900s, what were the characteristics of the locomotives have that made them became the first choice for TRA? Furthermore, after the introduction of the locomotives into Taiwan, what were the relevant historical developments? Through an investigation of the design of BK24 and a thorough review of relevant documents it can be confirmed that BK24 is the No. 32 locomotive introduced by the Ministry of Railways in 1905, but the side water tank and sand box were refitted by the TRA in the 1930s to give the current appearance. The similar design of locomotive was originally produced by the United Kingdom and had a mechanical structure that allowed them to pass through tight curves relatively easily. After 1887 they were imported into Japan in large quantities and become the preferred model when Japan developed its locomotive manufacturing industry at the end of the 19th century. Because the terrain in Taiwan is similar to that of Japan, these homomorphic locomotives, including BK24, became the main design throughout the railway construction project at the beginning of the Japanese colonial period. Therefore, it can be identified as one of the significant steam locomotives among the few remaining in Taiwan.
起訖頁 33-56
關鍵詞 BK10形蒸汽火車汽車會社鐵道文化資產Class BK10Steam LocomotiveKisha Seizo KwaishaOsakaRailway Heritage
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 202012 (54期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 日治時期臺灣磚造建築牆體構造演變與地震及法令之關係研究──以RC臥樑、RC樓版、扶壁為例
該期刊-下一篇 臺南市德化堂典藏雕版印刷文物的整理




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