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Surviving the War: Dating the Stone Wall Reliefs on the Sides of the Central Hall of Manka Lungshan Temple
作者 陳磅礡
Traditional Chinese architecture in Taiwan employs such materials as wood, stone and brick. Among them, stone usually comprises the foundation, supporting walls, columns, and various pedestals of a building. This reflects how the craftsman uses it according to its physical properties. Woodworks are vulnerable to humidity and termites, the applied polychrome tends to peel off and get dirty. Koji pottery is brittle. Compared with these, stonework last longer. Also, unlike cut-andpaste works which are usually installed upon roofs and therefore have to bear the weather, stonework functions as supports in a lower position on the building. They are thus also less likely to get removed when the building they belong to undergoes renovation. Even if buildings are dismounted, the stonework will sometimes be kept in a corner rather than thrown away. All these are reasons why stonework can show the history of a traditional building better than the other parts or decorations of it. The Lungshan Temple of Manka (Wanhua) is an important historic spot and center of folk religion in Taiwan. Yet its central hall was severely damaged during World War II. The earlier records of the building and renovations of this temple are rather sketchy, so most of the literature about it says that its central hall was totally destroyed during the war and that the walls we see there now were built during the reconstruction. However, after examining relevant photographs and the styles and materials, of and signatures upon the wall reliefs of the surrounding corridors of the central hall in question, I have found that these stone carvings preserve structures from the period of Japanese Occupation. They are a precious witness to the war and the history of Taiwan.
起訖頁 7-30
關鍵詞 艋舺龍山寺石雕年代研判空襲Lungshan Temple of MankaStone reliefChronological DatingAir raid
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201712 (42期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-下一篇 聚落文化資產空間敘事特徵之研究




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