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Structural Behavior of Taiwanese Traditional DiehDou Timber Beam-Column Connection
作者 楊淑燕 (Sue-Yen Yang)鍾育霖徐明福 (Min-Fu Hsu)
The structural performance of the Taiwanese Dieh-Dou Jia-Dong timber frame is studied so as to understand the behaviour of the column, beam and Dou region in the global frame. Two main parameters are studied, the penetration depth of the beam member into the column mortise (half- and full-penetrating beam joint) and the absence and presence of a brace-like member, Cha-Jiao. Cyclic horizontal loading test with constant 20 kN vertical force was applied to the China fir specimens. Results shown that moment-resistance of the‘full-penetrating beam’test is around four times greater than the half-penetrating beam case due to its longer moment arm, subsequently causing partial embedment around the upper and lower region of the beam and column mortise edges simultaneously. Due to its bracing effect, the Cha-Jiao member is most effective when under compression (pullin), where a maximum moment resistance of around 2 kN.m was observed during the 1/15 rad test. However, its influence became minimal when subjected to loading in the opposite direction, as it tends to be pulled out from the column mortise during tension. This study suggests that the Cha-Jiao member should be taken into consideration during structural evaluation in future.
起訖頁 7-21
關鍵詞 傳統木構架往復加載柱通接點貫入深度抗彎矩臺灣福杉Traditional timber frameCyclic loadingColumn-beam jointPenetration depthMoment resistanceChina fir
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201703 (39期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣考古出土與傳世的清代福建東溪窯陶瓷




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