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Recording the hideous events: The Second Self in James Hogg's The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
作者 林欣瑩
This essay explores how James Hogg deploys an editor’s point-of-view narrative form to ridicule the pretences and prejudices of an essentially political-religious society. With the publication of his psychological novel Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner in 1886, James Hogg offers his view of the evil of his age ( 1770-1835 ). Hogg’s religious consciousness shows his concern with his society’s ideological disintegration with regard to its religious-cultural and political dimensions. The protagonist Robert takes the advice of a strange companion and enters into a life of crime that he considers to be a life of divine service. He rids the world of “ungodly” people such as his brother and the local country minister. Robert disappears from home not long after his brother George inherits the title of Laird, having committed several additional crimes, such as killing his mother. This study proposes that it is religious consciousness that motivates Hogg to write the character of Robert in this psychological novel as a hideous demonic fiend, thus revealing the psychic-twist of falling apart. In order to investigate a criminal’s motives in committing murders, several questions deserve our close attention: in what ways can the protagonist, Robert, in Hogg’s confessional writings, convey his inarticulate sense of inferiority and re-build an intimate alliance through competition with his brother George despite his familial and social displacement? More specially, how can he empower himself by reconfiguring his life value, so as to remove his sense of inferiority, (though this is a hallucination resulting from a sense of self-incompleteness), through affectionate bonds with his mother and other mother figures? Most significantly, how can we re-comprehend the imaginings of an individual’s implied second self through the lens of one’s imaginary individuation through his family and society, and through his battle for an ideal self-image which is a polished version formed in opposition to this second self?
起訖頁 23-41
關鍵詞 詹姆士‧哈哥「一個自辯正當罪人的私人回憶錄和告白」雙重自我意象邪惡母親和類母親人物James HoggThe Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinnerdoubled selvesthe evilmother figure
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類  
期數 201312 (27:2期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 日本治臺時期的關稅政策——兼論日法關稅同化政策的異同
該期刊-下一篇 咖啡拉花之感性因子、感性語彙與人口變項關係探討




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