中文摘要 |
台灣自2010年起10-19歲青少年愛滋感染學生逐年增加,校園老師是傳遞教導愛滋病預防相關知識及性教育之重要窗口。本研究目的在分析校園教師愛滋病研討對於提升老師愛滋病知識、態度之成效。研究方法採類實驗研究法,針對1,776位國小、國高中老師進行問卷前後測調查,問卷內容包括愛滋病知識、對愛滋病患態度等二部分。以描述性及推論性統計分析介入愛滋病相關課程對於提升校園老師在愛滋病知識、態度之成效。研究結果教師完成前後測之有效問卷共1,606份﹙佔90.4%﹚。僅11位﹙0.7%﹚老師曾處理過愛滋學童之經驗。上課前後教師在愛滋病知識由平均10.5分顯著增加至10.8分﹙t=17.87,p≤.001﹚;而對愛滋病的態度由平均61.6分顯著增加至64.8﹙t=23.52,p≤.001﹚。其中年紀、性別可顯著提升愛滋病後測知識之得分;而性別、就職學校及前測知識總分可顯著正向提升在後測對愛滋病之態度。校園老師之愛滋訓練課程有助於提高對愛滋病知識及正向之態度,本研究建議各級學校於每年校園老師進修教育中加入愛滋病防治課程,特別要針對年紀相對年長者、男性、教導低年級及愛滋病知識較低者之校園老師增加其相關愛滋病課程之參與。 |
英文摘要 |
The number of 10-19 year olds living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) rose every year, and sexual contact was the primary route of transmission. School teachers have the opportunity to deliver information about HIV and sexual health. This study was to examine the effect of an HIV/AIDS education program on school teachers’ knowledge and attitude toward HIV/AIDS. A quasiexperimental study with pre- and post-test design was conducted among 1,776 school teachers who had participated in the HIV/AIDS education program. Two outcomes: ‘Knowledge of HIV/AID ’ and ‘Attitude towards people with HIV/AIDS’ are to be examined. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to summarize the demographic characteristics and the pre- and post test data. A total of 1,606 teachers completed the pre- and post-test, yielding a response rate of 90.4%. Among them, only 11(0.7%) cared about HIV/AIDS children. The HIV/AIDS education program was shown to be effective in improving HIV/AIDS knowledge ( t = 17.87,p ≤ 0.001) and positive attitude (t = 22.19,p ≤ 0.001) among the school teachers. A younger age group and female teachers received significantly higher scores in the post-test of HIV/AIDS knowledge. On the other hand, female teachers, school teachers teaching higher levels and those with higher pre-test knowledge scores received significantly higher scores in the post-test of attitude toward HIV/AIDS. These findings support the fact that providing HIV/AIDS-related educational courses for school teachers could positively increase their HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitude. Suggestions to target subgroups (i.e. older age group, male teachers, teaching lower levels and lower scores of pre test knowledge) for HIV/AIDS training per year are crucial. |