英文摘要 |
Childbirth has been considered as a normal and natural process. In the last few years, the issueof humanized labor has been taken into account by governments all around the world. So far, a lotof studies and literature on「Humanized Labor Environment」have been widely recognized abroad.Yet, the concept of humanized labor environment still had not been defined and studied in Taiwan.Aclear understanding of humanized labor environment is doubly important before conducting studieson the issue.Walker &Avant's concept analysis model was used to explore the concept of humanizedlabor environment. The defined attributes of a humanized labor environment include: a familycentereddelivery process where women's needs are respected; a comfortable, clean, safe andprivate labor environment; professional health servicewith consistency and concordance; and avoidingunnecessary interventions. Using the defined attributes, cases can be developed for further clarifyingthe concept. Description of the model cases can facilitate clinical nurses using the concept forwomen in a childbirth setting. |