英文摘要 |
Many HIV/AIDS patients are diagnosed at young ages. The youth often feel uncertainduring the process of AIDS diagnosis, and they have to face the pressure of disclosuring HIVstatus to their family or friends once the HIV test result proves positive. This article described a24-year-old student who was admitted to hospital due to HIV-related infections. The patient feltuncertain and worried about how to disclose his HIV status to his parents. The primary nurse builtup a therapeutic relationship with the patient, providing illness-related information, and changedpatient's perception regarding his illness from a negative to a positive perspective. The primarynurse used role-play and arranged a family meeting with medical team members to assist thepatient in disclosing his HIV status to his parents. The patient's anxiety level decreased and finally,family support was positive after HIV disclosure. During the nursing process, the primary nurserealized the importance of nursing care for patients recently diagnosed as HIV. |