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Water Use and Price Dynamics of Water Right Permit under Groundwater Trading System
作者 李堅明 (Chien-Ming Lee)黃宗煌
We explored the water right owner's decision under a ground water right trading system by establishing an intertemporal model that takes into account several important factors such as banking and borrowing, integrated use of surface water and ground water, etc. It differs from the conventional model in such a way that the authorities manage groundwater through operation of policy instruments, such as water right fees, rather than the maximum safety yield. The result indicated that the firm has more incentive to reduce groundwater use under the trading system. Should the authorities be able to allocate initially more water right permits to the users so that market price of water right permit is low enough, users will demand less for groundwater. When banking is allowed in the trading system, it happens that the growth rate of permit price does not follow Hotelling's rule. If the water user is a savor, the growth rate of permit price will be greater than rate of return earned from holding any other assets, implying that the pumping of groundwater have a "bubble effect". In contrast, if the water user is a borrower, the growth rate of permit price will be smaller than rate of return earned from holding any other assets, implying that the groundwater use tends to be more conservative.
起訖頁 71-97
關鍵詞 地下水水權交易完全預期影子價格許可證儲存groundwater water right perfect foresight shadow price permit banking
刊名 農業經濟  
期數 200006 (67期)
出版單位 國立中興大學應用經濟學系
該期刊-上一篇 畜產品部位肉之需求分析
該期刊-下一篇 海勤畢業生職業搜尋行為之實證研究




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