ECFA is one of the most important FTAs for Taiwan, and it is meaningful to make a policy evaluation by applying the items in the early harvest plan. Grouper is an important exporting item from Taiwan to mainland China. Moreover, since the original tariff rate of the grouper in mainland China is quite high, the impact of the tariff reduction should be large. Applying the vector error correction model and using the monthly data from January 2003 to March 2016, we analyze the adjustment direction, adjustment speed, and the reasons for the adjustment when the export of grouper from Taiwan and mainland China deviates from its long-term trend. Then we apply forecast error variance decomposition to estimate the size of the tariff reduction on the export of grouper from Taiwan to mainland China. The Johansen cointegration test shows that the export of grouper from Taiwan to mainland China has a long-term equilibrium relation with other important variables. Moreover, the empirical results show that the income elasticity of demand for imported grouper in mainland China is 8.942; while the elasticity of substitution between grouper of Taiwan and grouper of mainland China is 0.0028. Finally, the impulse response function shows that tariff reduction has a positive impact for groupers of Taiwan exporting to mainland China, however the impact will become smaller as time goes by.