Green marketing strategy was known for its impact on consumers’ perceptions on the firms, products, and purchase intention. However, insufficient theoretical underpinnings were utilized for explaining how firms’ strategic green marketing efforts perceived by consumers (i.e., green marketing awareness) impact consumers’ purchase intention, restraining the allocation effectiveness of green marketing resources, indicating a research gap. Therefore, this study used corporate social responsbility and product image to construct a framework to explain how firms’ green marketing strategic efforts perceived by consumers (i.e., green marketing awareness) impacts consumers’ purchase intention. This is a field survey study which targeted to the shoppers who entered or shopped at a famous green retailing store in Taiwan. Structural equation modeling was used for testing the framework. Green marketing awareness is positively related to the evaluations on product accessibility, corporate social responsibility, and product image. Such evaluations are positively related to purchase intention. This study is one of the first using these elements to explain how green marketing awareness impacts purchase intention. This study also provides insights for managers to guide strategic green marketing efforts, thus can effectively encourage purchase behavior among consumers.