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師資培育與教師專業發展期刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study on the Spiritually-Oriented Career Calling of Pre-Service Teachers
作者 劉曉芬陳清梅

自1994 年《師資培育法》公布施行後,師資培育管道轉趨多元,師資培育的品質呈現良莠參差。復加上近年來少子女化現象加劇,更使得現行的師資培育機制面臨不少的挑戰。近年來全球對靈性的關注漸增,靈性取向的生涯諮商成為新興思潮。不少研究指出靈性高的個體能從人生全景出發,尋找及整合人生的意義,且有較大的信心進行生涯選擇。既然教師工作是一門富含靈性的助人職業,則職前教育階段師資生的靈性研究更攸關其生涯抉擇。本研究的問題意識在於究竟當今師資生對於選擇教師工作的動機是基於謀職需要或是出於生涯召喚(career calling)?目前相關研究的進展如何,可有進一步的啟發? 本研究採取文獻分析法,從分析靈性取向相關文獻著手,首先探討靈性與師資生生涯發展的關係,其次探究師資生靈性取向生涯召喚的研究現況,並彙整分析國內外靈性及生涯召喚相關量表之發展趨勢。本研究發現師資生有別於於一般大學生,未來的教職具有濃厚的助人及利他色彩,而目前師資職前教育階段尚缺乏靈性取向的生涯發展之相關研究。建議主管教育行政機關、師培大學應轉向關注師資生的內在特質、強化對職前教育階段師資生之靈性取向生涯輔導,而有志為師者宜審慎面對生涯抉擇及召喚。



Ever since the “Teacher Education Law” was implemented by Ministry of Education in 1994, teacher quality control has encountered challenges, because the teacher-training system changed from a one-track model to a multiple-track model. The decrease in the national birth rate is also affecting job opportunities in the education workplace, making teacher education today face even greater challenges. In recent years, global attention to spirituality has gradually increased, and the career consultation of spiritual orientation has become an emerging issue. Many studies have pointed out that individuals who are spiritually-oriented usually have greater confidence in career choices. Since teaching is a spiritually-oriented job, spiritual studies of pre-service teachers are very relevant to their career choices. This study investigates what the prime motivation of being a teacher is, and in view of it, whether it is from a pragmatic need or from career calling. The study also discusses how we get more inspiration from related research. Literature analysis explores the relationship between spirituality and career development of pre-service teachers. In addition, the study reviews the spiritually-oriented career calling scales in order to understand the development trend. The main results are twofold. One of the results shows that pre-service teachers possess more helping and altruistic traits than general college students. The other one result is that there are too few literature reviews referring to spiritually-oriented career development. The recommendation is that the Ministry of Education and universities should pay more attention on the internal traits of pre-service teachers and strengthen spiritually-oriented career guidance and counseling. Finally, this study provides pre-service teachers with a way to qualitatively examine their career calling.


起訖頁 001-033
關鍵詞 生涯召喚師資生靈性取向career callingpre-service teacherspiritual orientation
刊名 師資培育與教師專業發展期刊  
期數 202004 (13:1期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學
該期刊-下一篇 實作為基礎的師培環境教育課程之研究




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