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Discussion on the Application of “Eight Basic Methods for Expansion” in the Theory of Habitual Domains in the Process of Design Thinking of Clothing
作者 張翠園 (Tsui-Yuan Chang)
Creativity is often related to how people think about problems. Occasionally, people are lack of creativity because they fail to see the whole picture, leading to incorrect ways of thinking, inappropriate attitudes or biased stance or causing a domain-related blind spot. By develop eight basic methods for expansion based on habitual domain theory, this study aimed to determine effective approaches to stimulating fashion design innovation. The results indicated that 1. Failure of seeing the whole picture can be avoided by enhancing thinking level. 2. A wrong way of thinking can be corrected through parameter adjustment or object association. 3. Attitude problems can be solved by facilitating humble learning and engaging in meditation and praying. 4. Biased stance can be rectified by changing the environment and making concessions. Finally, 5. Domain-related blind spots can be avoided through cross-domain brainstorming.
起訖頁 001-020
關鍵詞 八個擴展領域的方法服裝設計習慣領域設計過程創意心法eight basic methods for expansionfashion designhabitual domainsdesign processdesign thinking
刊名 習慣領域期刊  
期數 201909 (10:2期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會
該期刊-下一篇 一場泯除正義與邪惡二分的戰爭:習慣領域理論應用的條件與限制




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