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The Tendency of Confucian Scholars of Joseon Dynasty’s to Understand Zhuang Tzu Thought
作者 曹玟煥
This paper considers the tendency of Confucianists in the Korean dynasty to comprehend Zhuang Tzu thought. Confucian scholars in the Korean Dynasty who rejected Laozhang thought were considered heretics, and Pu Shi-Tang (朴世堂) was no different. Pu Shi-Tang wrote Nan Hua Jing Zhu Jie Sha Nbu (《南華經註解刪補》) to examine differences between Zhuang Tzu and Confucian thoughts and pursued a more precise understanding of Zhuang Tzu thought through that effort. In particular, Pu Shi-Tang understood Zhuang Tzu’s cosmology through Confucian cosmology. Such a point often appears in the analyses of Zhuang Tzu Qiwulun’s theory. Pu Shi- Tang presented three points of view from the analysis of “Qiwulun.” The first is that the meaning of “Qiwulun” is “to make the idea of a variety of opinions (物論) into one (齊一).” The second admits that “true existence” (真宰) presides over underground things. Finally, he indicated that there are points where the cosmology theories of Confucians and Zhuang Tzu intersect.
起訖頁 075-092
關鍵詞 朴世堂《西溪集》《南華經註解刪補》《莊子辨解》韓元震Pu Shi-TangXixijiNan Hua Jing Zhu Jie Sha NbuZhuangzibianjie Han Yuan-Zhen
刊名 師大學報  
期數 201709 (62:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 日本學界「儒教國教化」爭論的回顧與反思
該期刊-下一篇 朝鮮金正喜古文《尚書》考辨對清人學說的接受與轉化




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