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On The Application of Viktimodogmatik In Criminal Justice
作者 劉練軍
The gist of Viktimodogmatik is to respect the right of disposition of the victim, to advocate trust protection by the victim,and its legal basis is the auxiliary and final means principle of criminal law. The constitutional foundation of the Viktimodogmatik is free development of personality derived from human dignity. When researching into the crime of fraud in financing,most scholars of science of criminal law have not been taking the victim seriously.The victim’s usury leasehold behavior is essentially to invest,criminal scholars are lacking to recognise it.The criminal judicial experience shows, most of victims in fundraising fraud cases has no error of cognition, that victim’s falling into risk by himself for the pursuit of high profit is an important reason for this crime accomplished offense.If ignoring the role and position of the victim in fundraising fraud cases, and not try to limit the interpretation of legal norms crime of fraud in financing with the aid of the Viktimodogmatik, it will be undoubtedly unfair to the criminals in fundraising fraud cases. The paternalism in criminal law just only make the criminal law become the Magna Carta of the victims, rather than the criminals. In criminal justice the Viktimodogmatik should be applied to limit the interpretation of the paternalism in criminal law.
起訖頁 013-045
關鍵詞 被害人教義學家長主義刑法集資詐騙罪限縮解釋Viktimodogmatikpaternalism in criminal lawcrime of fraud in financingrestrictive interpretation
刊名 厦门大学法律评论  
期數 201704 (29期)
出版單位 廈門大學法學院
DOI 10.3966/615471682017040029002   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 作為中央集權化立法的《禹貢》——一次法哲學式的解讀
該期刊-下一篇 民意對影響性刑事個案判決結果影響的實證考察




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