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From Underclass to Dangerous Homeless
作者 許華孚孔健中黃千嘉劉育偉
本研究主要發掘「遊民」的主體生活經驗,並藉其揭露所謂「底層階級入罪化」的深刻體驗。此研究目的包括探究遊民主體生活經驗的深度揭露(包括鉅觀層面之勞動市場之失業現象,以及家庭功能之失衡與社會安全網之撤除,進而排除於就業市場之外而流浪街頭等),探討居於底層階級的「遊民」如何被形塑成犯罪者或危險他者,及其與刑事司法互動之經驗。本研究採用質性之半結構深度訪談方式對遊民進行訪談之深入探究相關議題,訪談對象包括台中市16位遊民與嘉義市12位遊民之社會排除經驗,並訪問一位台中市警察以收集其與遊民接觸之經驗。研究發現台灣的主流價值觀中有一種譴責窮人的強烈傾向,認為貧窮是窮人自己的問題,遊民應該為自己招來貧窮負起責任,但在長期失業情況下,已缺乏經濟能力的「遊民」,如再失去家人與朋友的支持,生活將會立即陷入負困狀態,無固定的住所、個人所得低於基本工資,脫離了其原本家庭,走入大眾活動空間,並進行原應隱身於個人空間的私密行為。在經濟與家庭上的雙重邊緣化,導致台紬的許多失業者逐漸變成底層階級的「遊民」。但是台灣社會對於「遊民」的污名化手法卻是一種結構性的問題。每日為求生存而自顧不暇的「遊民」,變成了國家與社會眼中的髒亂象徵,連原本已不屬於警政業務的遊民問題,就在社會出現「加強管理」的政治壓力之後,重新納入基層員警的勤務。污名不僅造成遊民的身份地位被貶低,這些被到處驅趕的社會底層階級,必須在都市的荒廢區域或陰暗角落中躲躲藏藏,但是這些地區也驟然變成當地人眼中的「恐懼地景」(Iandscape of fear),成為一般人害怕接近的區塊,另一方面,遊民不僅處境被邊緣化與被污名化,還經常成為犯罪被害人,缺乏立即的保護,這恐怕也是政府及台灣社會該努力思考的課題。
As Young(1999)mentions, the transition from modernity to late modernity can be seen as a movement from an inclusive to an exclusive society. The forces of the exclusive society can be divided into three stages:the dualization of the labor market and the generalization of percarious employment and unemployment at its lower end. Then the dismantling of public assistance programs for the most vulnerable members of society. Lastly the crisis of the ghetto as instrument of control and confinement of a stigmatized population is considered on both economic and ploitical grouds. Rushe and kirchheimer (1968)remarks that the criminal law and the daily work of the criminal courts are directed almost exclusively against those people whose class background, poverty, neglected education. Therefore, the concept of criminalization of underclassbecomes urgent issue implying that a range of identifiable groups and individuals could experience the process of criminalization. The criminal policy of targeting identifiable and vulnerable groups is through heavy of saturation policing. The present literature of the homeless studies mostly focus on fields of the homeless distribution, human ecology, and their social support systems. However, the topic of the homeless criminalization or becoming dangerous other is neglected and not yet examined. During the process of the homeless cases of investigation, accommodation and diversion, the homeless can often encounter the police. This project attempts to employ qualitative aproach to discuss the subjectivity of the homeless with regard to their daily level of life and experience with the criminal justice system, mostly the ploice. The study will build up an extension of critical study in criminology and sociology. It hopes to offer explicit empirical analysis and interpretations for the criminal justice practice and to further put forward reflection and reform for the field of punishment and social welfare policy.
起訖頁 1-37
關鍵詞 遊民社會排除污名化入罪化危險他者HomelessSocial ExclusionStigmaCriminalizationDangerous Other
刊名 犯罪學期刊  
期數 201406 (17:1期)
出版單位 中華民國犯罪學學會
該期刊-下一篇 海峽兩岸共同打擊跨境犯罪與執法合作




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