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運用電子書學習系統於問題導向學習在護理實習課程之探討   全文下載 全文下載
Application of Problem-Based Learning with E-Book Learning System in Nursing Practice Course
作者 黃淑賢 (Shu-Hsien Huang)吳婷婷 (Ting-Ting Wu)黃悅民 (Yueh-Min Huang)
行動科技的進步,不僅成為生活中不可或缺的部分,也在教學上占有一席之地。在醫療、護理及衛生教育等教學領域,也產生許多對教學有效益的研究議題。由於問題導向學習(problem-based learning, PBL)是以學習者為中心的教學方法,且最早也被運用於醫學教學方面。有鑑於此,在本研究中運用PBL教學策略之電子書學習系統於公共衛生護理實習課程中,藉由家庭訪視前置作業的個案方析,運用PBL教學問答之策略,討論與彙整該個案之家庭訪視資料,希望藉由導入此新穎的教學方式,能有效提升護校生在公共衛生護理實習課程的學習成效,也能藉由詳盡的實習課程資料分析,在實際個案家庭訪視時發揮最大的效用。
Development of learning science is assisted by technologies. Technology is crucial that the nowadays people need to use in their life. Compact and slim of learning device with advantages, like is PDA, Tablet PC, E-book... et al., has become mainstream of learning instruction. In addition, medicine, nursing, public health and others subject, a lot of related issues has been carried out in recent years. Problem-based learning (PBL) is not only a learner-centered instruction, but also the earliest applies to medicine education. For this reason, in this study apply PBL strategy into the E-book learning system for public health nursing practice course. In the learning process, learners need to organize and prepare the health knowledge before home visit. Home visit data have been collected and arrange through case study and PBL Q/A. Based on those data, this study not only provide learning achievement of public health nursing practicum, but also guidance related public health knowledge (e.g. Information about Colorectal cancer) to each participant before home visits.
起訖頁 053-067
關鍵詞 公共衛生護理實習課程問題導向學習家庭訪視電子書public health nursing practice courseproblem-based learninghome visitE-book
刊名 數位學習科技期刊  
期數 201410 (6:4期)
出版單位 數位學習科技期刊編審委員
該期刊-上一篇 由失敗經眼探討數位遊戲是學習系統設計的考量因素




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