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擴增時境月相觀測系統對於提升月相概念之研究   全文下載 全文下載
A Study of Learning Effectiveness on the Augmented Reality Moon Observation System
作者 劉馨韓 (Hsin-Hun Liou)楊鎮華 (Stephen Jen-Hua Yang)唐文華 (Wernhuar Tarng)蔡旻諺 (Min-Yen Tsai)
虛擬實境技術讓使用者能從各種不同的角度觀察科學現象,亦可簡化實驗的變因,縮短科學現象的演變過程,讓學生在有限的時間內專注於某些特定的主題,因此有助於概念的改變。隨著科技的進展,由虛擬實境發展而來的擴增實境技術能將各種環境資訊以文字、圖片、影像、聲音和立體模型等形式疊加在真實情境中,讓使用者進行各式各樣的學習活動。近年來,隨著手持載具的普及和感測器功能的強化,讓擴增實境的應用不再局限於個人電腦前面,而是可以隨時、隨地進行;儘管擴增實境應用在教學的案例不少,但擴增實境的特性對於天文探究活動的影響仍很少被研究。本論文採用探究式教學法、準實驗設計之不等組前、後測,比較兩款手持載具上的月相觀測軟體(Moon Sky與Sky Map)應用在國民小學四年級月相單元。研究結果發現,實驗組的學習成效顯著優於控制組,特別是在「由月形可以得知農曆日期」、「一天的月亮變化」、「月形是否有順序」等概念的答對率比控制組高。由觀察和訪談中得知,學生會透過擴增實境「疊加背景」的特性將螢幕中的真實景物作為月亮位置的參考座標,有助於將月形、方位角和高度角與真實情境作連結,促進月亮相關概念的建構。
Virtual reality technology allows users to observe scientific phenomena from various angles, and it also simplifies the experiment and shortens the evolution time of scientific phenomena so that students can focus on certain themes in the limited time to help conceptual change. With the progress of ICT, all kinds of information about the environment such as text, images, video, sound and three-dimensional models can be overlaid on real scene by augmented reality technology, which allows learners to engage in various activities in real situations. With the popularity of the handheld devices and the development of the sensors allows augmented reality applications no longer confined to the front of the computer. This study compared two kinds of lunar phase observation software on handheld devices. A quasi-experimental research was conducted to explore the learning effectiveness for the fourth grade students to learn the concepts of lunar phase. The results showed that the learning effectiveness of experimental group who used augmented reality moon observation system was significantly better than the control group who used Sky Map. Especially, the correct rate of some items of experimental group were higher than those of the control group, such as the concepts of “we can know the moon shape from the lunar date,” “moon shape in one day,” and “whether there is a order of moon shape.” The interview results show that students could use real objects as the moon’s reference coordinates through the feature of “overlaying background” by augmented reality. They could easily establish connection between the lunar phase and its direction and elevation angle in real environments.
起訖頁 051-066
關鍵詞 月相行動學習探究式教學擴增實境lunar phasemobile learninginquiry learningaugmented reality
刊名 數位學習科技期刊  
期數 201404 (6:2期)
出版單位 數位學習科技期刊編審委員
該期刊-上一篇 品德素養數位敘事之迷宮多路徑設計研究
該期刊-下一篇 輕度學習或智能障礙學生使用電腦繪圖軟體記錄生活事件之研究




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