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Financial Development, Institutional Arrangement and Urbanization: the Experience of China
作者 王鸞鳳杜立謝升峰
The paper examines the relationship between urbanization, financial development and economic growth through VEC (Vector Error Correction) model, which is based on the data of China's thirty provinces and municipalities. The empirical results show that the expansion of financial sector is helpful to accelerate the development of urbanization; however, the low efficiency of transforming savings into investment and mis-allocation of credit funds delay the process of the city. On the other hand, although financial development promotes urbanization in the long run; in the short term, it has no significant effect on urbanization. The effects of institutional variables on urbanization are large. The impact of political system as governmental investment on urbanization is negative, but governmental investment of eastern district promotes urbanization. Complete educational system is also helpful to promote the urbanization; however, the effect of it on eastern district is negative. The perfection of industry structure is significant on promoting the urbanization outside the west area. The improvement of opening to the outside world speeds up the urbanization in the mid-west, it has no obvious effect to the eastern region. Therefore, the paper concludes that we should not only enlarge financial scale, but we should also improve the quality of financial reform in the process of urbanization. Furthermore, we should build up all kinds of institution which contribute to urbanization.
起訖頁 77-88
關鍵詞 金融發展制度安排城鎮化誤差修正模型Financial DevelopmentInstitutional ArrangementUrbanizationVEC Model
刊名 東亞論壇  
期數 201409 (485期)
出版單位 大華科技大學商務與觀光管理學院
該期刊-上一篇 跨越城市治理之決策新模式的理論與運用




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