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On the Awareness and Strategy of Pregnant Female Professional Technique Performers
作者 郭憲偉 (Hsien-Wei Kuo)郭金芳
懷孕,在技藝展演的性別光譜中,無疑是角色與專業認同衝突的來源, 即使它本身是個體自然的變化歷程。本研究目的在探究女性職業技藝展演者 在懷孕前、孕期與產後等三階段的身體技藝與意象、職場處境與策略,以及 專業認同。本研究採用敘說分析,針對臺灣U表演團與其所屬的展演者,進 行訪談的資料蒐集與分析。研究結果歸納出四大主題:一是展演者的「身體 技藝的養成」,強調的是身體塑造與強化身體技術表現,來達到並符合該技 藝項目的能力水平。二是「職場威脅的因應」,聚焦於展演者面對生存工作 權的威脅所採取的因應措施。三是「身心技藝的脫序」,闡明展演者在產後 面對己身的體態、體知與體技三者間無法統合為一的感受,亦是身體意象、 身體技藝與身體記憶的脫勾。四是「個體行動的特性」,詮釋展演者在懷孕 期間歷經了對一個新生命的承擔,以及復出前深刻體察到身心技藝不和諧的 挫敗,不僅強化了其心理的韌性,更以實際的行動證明,舞臺仍有自己的一 席之地。
Pregnancy, the conflicting source of role and professional identification in the gender spectrum of professional technique performance, is a natural process of female body change. The aim of this study is to explore the body technique, body image, career strategy, professional identity of female professional performer before/during/after pregnancy. The method of narrative analysis was used to gather and analyze the data of interviews. The results show four themes. First, ''the cultivation of technique body'' illustrates that the body technique performance was formed and strengthened to meet the capability. Secondly, ''the strategy for career threat'' was employed by participants to reply the threat of losing job during pregnancy. Third, ''the technique of body and mind in disorder'' happened to participants'' body image, body technique and body memory could not be into one. Finally, ''the woman''s individual agency'' points out emphatically that participants strengthen their mental toughness and know how to perform their bodies well in nowadays stage after going through the pregnancies and going back to the stage.
起訖頁 33-53
關鍵詞 懷孕身體技藝女性展演者pregnancy body technique female professional performer
刊名 運動文化研究  
期數 201706 (30期)
出版單位 國立清華大學當代中國研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 尿布、論文、戰術板──「通過儀式」與大專教練工作
該期刊-下一篇 探尋臺灣光復後學校國民小學體育課程中舞蹈的足跡




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