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Diaper;Thesis and Coaching Board: Rites of Passage and Coaching in University
作者 石明宗
「日常生活」已成為學術研究的一個課題,教練如何去面對周而復始的 「日常生活」?具體而言,一個大學教練如何去面對「比賽」、「家人」和 「升等」?凡是當教練者,似乎不得不去面對這些問號,有別於運動生理學、 運動力學所提供的答案,本文嘗試從「教練哲學」領域,找到適合的價值和 觀點來對待。 本研究以范格內普 (Arnold Van Gennep) 的通過儀式 (rites of passage) 理論,亦即「分離 (separation) →過渡 (transition) →融合 (incorporation) 」 的三階段模式,作為主要的理論依據。來呈現運動比賽對生活產生的影響, 以及對所處的生活世界所造成的作用。 研究發現教練世界的現象如下:面對家人,是一種苦行也是充電;面對 升等,是一種折磨與加薪;面對比賽,是一種挑戰與成長;面對社會,則會 衝擊到升學主義與運動價值。同時也發現教練有「四難」,分別是面對家人 「認同難」、面對升等「寫作難」、面對比賽「看開難」以及面對社會「振 作難」,應用「分離」的做法,可以發現許多時候,是當事者「過渡認同」 所引起的煩惱。
'Everyday life'' has become a popular issue in academic studies, for coach how to deal with the routine of everyday life? To put it more precisely, how does a coach strike a balance among game, family and career promotion? It is then a critical topic in coaching life that necessarily to deal with. This study intends to offer a possible interpretation through the perspective of coaching philosophy. Following the light of Arnolad van Gennep, this study utilizes his concept of rites of passage and its three phases, namely, separation, transition and incorporation as main theoretical background to illustrate the impact brought by sport competition to life and its effect over living world. I found that in coaching life, staying with family members is ascetic but recharging; for the pressure of promotion is both torturing and motivating; game planning is challenging and nourishing; in societal aspect, it brings impact to diploma doctrine and the value of sports. Four major difficulties were also found in being a coach. Firstly, it is hard to find recognition from family. Secondly, only limited and scattered time is available for academic writing. Thirdly, it is difficult to stay emotional detachment from the result of game. Lastly, support from the public is usually scarce. Through a detached position and the way of separation, I claimed that these worries were often brought by over identification to this work. In concluding words, this article identifies the uniqueness, challenges and grandness in this job through the testament of coaching. Using the practice of zen as the separation of identification could sort out worries. ''Be here now'' is a pivotal way to cope with multiple roles in coaching life.
起訖頁 7-31
關鍵詞 日常生活尿布論文戰術板通過儀式everyday life diaper thesis coaching board and rites of passage
刊名 運動文化研究  
期數 201706 (30期)
出版單位 國立清華大學當代中國研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 論懷孕女性職業技藝展演者的體認與策略




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