中文摘要 |
經過了前兩期的摸索與嘗試,當代中國研究通訊第三期在新學期開學後與大家見面。希望第三期能給大家一種更為成熟穩健的感覺。這期的內容頗為豐富,整體而言本期有三個重點:首先,我們訪問了甫自陸委會主委離任的前主委蔡英文教授,她歷經了國、民兩黨政府要職,並跨越兩岸關係具有時代性的轉變階段,對於兩岸關係的觀察自有其獨到的視野。 The third issue of the Contemporary China Newsletter is a product of the hardwork of our editional staff over the summer vacation. We sincerely hope that it will in comparison with the previous two issues, not only excel in terms of quality but also in terms of the depth that it offers to the readers. There are three major focuses in this issue: the fluid Tai wan-US-China relationships, the analysis of certain current social. economic and political issues and reforms in China, and the results of the fieldwork conducted by the teachers and students of the Chinese Studies Program at National Tsing Hua University. |