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The Interacting Comparison of Effect Sizes by Using Six Estimating Reliability Errors on Dimensions, Items and Sample Sizes
作者 蔡佩圜吳裕益 (Wu, Yuh-Yih)凃柏原 (Bor-Yaun Twu)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the interactions between the estimation error given by six reliability estimates (ρ_(glb), λ_2, λ_3, λ_4, λ_6 & ω_t) and dimensionality, numbers of item, and sample sizes by using a two-factor mixed ANOVA design, based on data simulated from three different measurement model, namely, classical, tau-equivalent and congeneric measurements. The main findings of this study are as following: (a) the estimation error given by λ_4 and ω_t show least influenced by the number of the factors (or dimensions), followed by ρ_(glb), λ_6, λ_2, λ_3 in order; (b) the estimation error given by λ_4 and ω_t are least affected by the number of items, followed by ρ_(glb), λ_2, λ_3, λ_6; and (c) ω_t gives the smallest estimation error under each sample sizes, and followed by λ_2, λ_3, λ_4, λ_6, ρ_(glb). The researchers are recommended use the omega and guttman packages of R to calculate ω_t and λ_4, which are least influenced by the dimensionality, number of items, and sample sizes. If the reliability coefficients need to be obtained by using SPSS instead, then the Guttman option had to be checked, so that λ_1~λ_6 could be presented in the output. The λ_4 provided by the SPSS is not the maximum split-half reliability as discussed in this article; thus, λ_2 and λ_6 could be used as the reliability for the unidimensional and multidimensional tests, respectively.
起訖頁 67-104
關鍵詞 交互作用混合設計驗證性因素分析interactiontwo-way mixed designconfirmatory factor analysis
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 202005 (43期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 國小學生多元解題學習策略運用能力簡要量表之發展與其學習輔導應用研究
該期刊-下一篇 教師靈性、心理資本、工作價值觀、情緒勞務與學校生活適應之徑路模式探析




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