中文摘要 |
步入婚姻是許多人被期歷經的重要生命程。隨著、新家庭單位組成,繁延下一代以及為人父/母的角色許多婚育夫婦被期待扮演的傳統社會角色之一。然而,隨著初婚年齡越來長、延後生育、女性接受高等教普及化以生態環境汙染因素的影響,使得越來越多的已婚夫婦面臨不孕困境(Holbrook,1990)。所謂「不孝有三、無後為大」的概念,不僅是一項根深地固文化傳統更使得宗接代在台灣社會裡一直是許多婚育年齡的男女揮之不去壓力。尤其對性而言,母職(motherhood)一直是許多女性角色認同中重要的環一直是許多女性角色認同中重要的環(Pengelly,Inglis & Cudmore,1995)。 |
英文摘要 |
The rapid development of reproductive technology in the past several decades has significantly affected everyone’s lives. Regarding surrogacy as an example, it had attracted national attention again in 2012 when a well-known person had three baby girls through a surrogacy arrangement in the United States. There are many reasons (e.g. fear of exploitation, concern about psychological and health risk or the change of ‘the family’ normality) for the public to concern whether to legalize one woman bear a child for another and give away at birth. Because of the complexity of surrogacy, different professionals bring varying sets of priorities and concerns to the situations they face. Despite many moral criticisms and issues being raised, this paper proposes an interdisciplinary team model to manage with the complex process of surrogacy. |