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中醫藥雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

An AtriaVentricular Premature Constraction Combined with Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation and Multiformi Ventricular Tachycardia Patient Treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine
作者 許堯欽謝元凱王宏銘 (Hung-Ming Wang)廖啟卉徐尉芳
本案例為一位 47 歲男性病人,罹患心律不整多年,初期因症狀輕微未積極就 醫診療,直至半年前因胸悶心悸嚴重影響工作與睡眠,乃求診於某區域教學醫院, 經 24 小時心電圖檢查發現一日內有 834 次心室早期收縮(PVC)與 4,179 次心房 早期收縮(PAC),合併陣發性心房顫動(PAF)與多發性心室頻脈(VT)。因 規律服用西藥一個月後症狀仍反覆發作,乃求助於中醫。經診察,中醫辨證屬心 脾兩虛,痰瘀阻脈。初診處方以歸脾湯合溫膽湯加減。服藥二週後自覺心悸症狀 明顯減少八成。前後經中藥調理半年後,病人自覺心悸症狀幾乎已消失,再回原 醫院接受 24 小時心電圖檢查,結果顯示陣發性心房顫動與多發性心室頻脈消失, 一日內的心室早期收縮(PVC)僅剩 7 次,心房早期收縮(PAC)僅剩 2 次。因 病情穩定,停服中西醫藥物,至今已一年半未再發生胸悶心悸等症狀。 中醫辨證論治有效地控制心律不整的案例,提供臨床醫師一個值得參考的診 療模式。
A case of a 47-year-old male patient suffered from arrhythmia for ten years. The illness had aggravated until half an year ago. Chest tightness and palpitation recurred and lead to insomnia. The patient came to the outpatient department of Cardiology for help. 24 hours Holter ECG revealed: 834 Premature ventricular contractions / 4,179 Premature atrial contractions, Short-run Ventricular tachycardia and Paroxysmal atrial Fibrillation with RVR. As the illness did not subsided after treatment, the man came to our Chinese medical department for help. According to the Chinese Medical Syndrome Differentiation, the pattern of identification was Deficiency of the Heart and the Spleen, combined with Phlegm lodged in the channels of the Heart. Guipi decoction and Wendan decoction were prescribed. Two weeks after, the patient came back and declared that the palpitation had decreased 80%. So we ordered the same prescription in the following six months. As the illness improved apparently, the patient came to the original hospital for further examination, and the 24 hours Holter EKG revealed: No Short-run VT and neither PAf were noted, and only 7 Premature ventricular contractions and 2 Premature atrial contractions were recorded. Chinese Medical Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment had work as an effective treatment for arrhythemia in this case, We hoped this experience can provide useful opinion for doctors.
起訖頁 100-109
關鍵詞 心律不整房室早期收縮陣發性心房顫動多發性心室頻脈歸脾湯 溫膽湯Arrhythmia Atria-Ventricular premature constraction Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation Multiformi Ventricular Tachycardia Guipi decoction Wendan decoction
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 202006 (31:1期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 中西合併治療輸血後急性肺損傷──病例報告並文獻探討
該期刊-下一篇 日治臺灣鍼灸史初探




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