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New Discussion on Curriculum Guidelines: Inclusion of Southeast Asian History
作者 陳紅華
With the considerable increase in the number of new immigrants, migrant workers, and international students from Southeast Asia, Taiwan's relationship with Southeast Asia has become increasingly intimate. Additionally, considering Taiwan's geographical proximity to Southeast Asia, Taiwanese students should have a basic understanding of their neighboring countries. Therefore, this paper proposes a course syllabus for Southeast Asian history. In addition to introducing Southeast Asian history and related theories, other materials for inclusion in the curriculum guidelines for the design of a single-semester course syllabus concerning Southeast Asian history were identified through an extensive literature review. This paper suggests the adoption of a broad learning approach for developing future course syllabus regarding Southeast Asian history. Additionally, it is recommended that a syllabus to be divided into four themes: historical evolution, cross-border movement, cultural exchange, and modern development. Although introducing Southeast Asian history as a mandatory courses is currently difficult in practice, the current senior high school curriculum is flexible enough to accommodate Southeast Asian history as a featured course or elective. Providing such a course can offer new immigrants' children or interested students a chance to learn Southeast Asian history.
起訖頁 89-118
關鍵詞 歷史課綱東南亞史朝貢體系曼荼羅體系殖民體系history curriculumSoutheast Asian historytribute systemmandala systemcolonial system
刊名 教科書研究  
期數 202008 (13:2期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 日本防災教育及其在社會教科書之設計──以東京書籍版本為例
該期刊-下一篇 素養導向教科書編/審的挑戰




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