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Disaster Prevention Education in Japan and Social Study Textbook Design: Example of the Tokyo Shoseki Edition
作者 高翠霞 (Trai-shar Kao)高慧芬許惠閔蔡宜臻
This study analyzed the contents of the curriculum guidelines of disaster prevention, which is included as an issue education topic in Taiwan's 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum (promulgated in 2019). Additionally, this study examined how disaster prevention education is addressed in Japan's curriculum guidelines and Japanese textbooks. Through literature review and qualitative analysis, this study examined the following three aspects. First, the content and educational implications of introducing disaster prevention education in Taiwan as a component of issue education was analyzed. Second, Japan's educational policy on disaster prevention education and its implementation were examined. Third, the content on disaster prevention was explored in the social studies textbooks published by Tokyo Shoseki. The study's results revealed that Taiwan's disaster prevention education emphasizes risk management and mastery of disaster prevention skills. However, learning from life experience, developing problem-solving skills, and cultivating responsibility are stressed in Japan's disaster prevention education, which draws from both central and local government policies. Furthermore, aesthetics are incorporated into the design of Japan's textbooks, and they use charts and pictures to facilitate comprehension and discussion. The results serve as helpful references for the implementation of Taiwan's disaster prevention education and compilation of related textbooks.
起訖頁 59-88
關鍵詞 防災教育社會教科書教科書設計東京書籍版本disaster prevention educationsocial studies textbooktextbook designTokyo Shoseki edition
刊名 教科書研究  
期數 202008 (13:2期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
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該期刊-下一篇 課綱新議──東南亞史觀何去何從?




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